We always hear about these age-old remedies that our grandparents and great grandparents and great great grandparents swore by: Drink this to cure that cold. / Eat this to grow big and strong. / Take this to get rid of that embarrassing condition that I’ll discuss openly at a large family gathering.

Yes, it’s easier to nod away their advice (and go hide out in the bathroom) but, more often than not, your elders do know best. Many of these seemingly antiquated suggestions are backed by substantial evidence.

My grandfather was just telling me how kids of his generation were forced to choke down cod liver oil to keep them healthy. Oil from the liver of a cod fish… it sounds like a punishment more than a precaution. He asked if their were any studies out their supporting its benefits, so I did a little research.

It turns out Granny was onto something.

Many current studies support the use of cod liver oil (as well as other oils) to reduce joint and muscle pain, prevent cancer, lower cholesterol, improve diabetes, and promote healthy skin and hair. Cod liver oil acts as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent to reduce irritation within the body. These anti-inflammatory properties are due to its high content of omega-3 essential fatty acids.

Nowadays, we tend to take in more pro-inflammatory omega-6s than anti-inflammatory omega-3s… what should be an equal ratio is now something like 30:1! By consuming more omega-3s (also found in flax seed, salmon and walnuts) you can balance out your body’s natural response system and save yourself from the MANY negative effects of inflammation.

It’s most effective if we get our omega-3s from fish oil in the summer and cod liver oil in the winter, as cod has a higher concentration of the sunshine vitamin D. It is also packed with Vitamin A and DHA, which promotes a healthy brain and nervous system.

So next time your nana is offering health advice, it might be in your best interest to listen up… After all, she’s still kickin’, isn’t she?

Here are more old remedies that have some scientific credibility:

  • Drink Ginger Ale for a Stomachache– Ginger is a natural carminative  that has the power to calm a nervous stomach.


  • Put Apple Cider Vinegar on a Cut– Cider vinegar is an antiseptic, so it will clean harmful bacteria out of a minor cut and promote the natural healing process. (It might sting, but you’ll probably get a cookie afterward…)


  • Eat a Cup of Beans Every Day– This was one of my Little Nana’s favorites. Beans are an excellent source of fiber, which will ensure effective digestion and keep your body clear of toxins.


  • Get 8 Hours a Sleep a Night- We are always undermining the importance of sleep. This is the body’s best opportunity to rest and rejuvenate its systems. It helps to reduce stress, lower cholesterol and improve heart function.


  • Eat Carrots for Good Eyesight- Carrots contain a lot of beta-carotene, which is an essential nutrient for healthy eyes. Although carrots probably won’t correct bad eyesight, it’s a great preventative measure.